Last week, Joe finally read my blogs for the first time when his workmates sent him the link (thanks!) but he's not happy about me blogging specially about him and it's sad because... there's no stopping me baby! haha And my blog for today is.... 1 million facts about Joseph King. Just kidding! Actually I just found out one random fact today morning when we were on our way to work. You see every morning before we leave home, I make a coffee and we share and drink it while I drive us to work and I've noticed it long time back that he never drinks where I took a sip in the coffee cup. First I just thought that maybe I just happen to pass the cup in the other way and the part where I took a sip was not the one facing him therefore he will of course not drink where I drank. But this morning, he intentionally turned the cup around when he saw that he almost drank where I took a sip! Well, I didn't intentionally pass the cup and see if my silly suspicion is right but baby, we have already kissed and smooched and all and yeah we even kiss before you go down the car but why refuse to drink where I've taken sip in the coffee cup??? Weirdo! LOL I don't wanna sound like constantly whinging about my hubby like these group of wives in HERE LOL so I'd probably better stop now and perhaps just blog about the good, funny and sweet side of him instead? haha Watch this space! :p
How to deal with a woman flirting with your husband?
I wrote this to raise awareness to wives like me, girlfriends out there and the likes, that someone like you, a possible marriage/relationship termite, really do exist in this life and not only in movie flicks which I thought is before I met you (am I really that naive? LOL!)
Not really a music fanatic
This post will be about all the music concerts and festivals that I have (fortunately) attended here in the UAE. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! ;-)
Saving up or just plain curiousity
Ok so one day my husband just suddenly decided to collect all the coins with him and in side our house and took them into a big empty bottle of water.
Weekend | 110311
I finally decided to get up and play with my kids. Then we went out to our garden so they can go swimming in their inflatable blow up mini pool.