After trying to scoop out the sand where both my front wheels got stuck (for almost an hour) and just when I almost lost hope, these three very kind and generous supermen (1 just happened to throw some garbage near where I got stuck, 1 which I literally stopped in the main road, and the other was a passerby) helped me out! I can't thank them enough for rescuing me even though they had to deflate my tires :(
And last Thursday, my hubby bought me SIMS3 for PS3. And last night after 4 days of playing, my sim got pregnant and after 2 simoleon days she gave birth and guess what, to twin baby boys!
But hey who would still want for any thing more than this?
And boy am I so glad that I finally had enough of changing my blog template and editing HTML codes for the past few days. Gah!
So that's all for now folks!